Our team consists of professionals with established experience in various areas of law, combining specific skills and a strategic approach to ensure effective legal solutions. Each team member works synergistically to offer customized advice, putting our clients’ needs and goals at the center. Our strength lies in our expertise, reliability, and ability to meet legal challenges with professionalism and dedication.

Silvia Gussetti

She graduated in Law at the University of Padua in 1995.

During her professional career she specialized in civil law, providing judicial and out-of-court assistance to medium/large-sized companies and insurance companies. In particular, she has developed significant expertise in judicial matters related to sales contracts (including international trades) and professional liability.

She assists commercial companies in the drafting of various contracts and in debt recovery, including the recovery vis-à-vis public bodies, supporting creditors in insolvency proceedings, as well as in commercial related matters.

In 2021 and 2022, she was accredited as a Professional Partner of Sole 24ore Avvocati in Insurance Law as well as Debt Collection and Enforcement.

Some of her key qualities include her pragmatic nature and ability to listen to and honour her clients’ needs. Thanks to this, she is better able to analyse the complex implications of disputes, thus bringing about solutions that clients are satisfied with at a faster rate than usual.

She speaks fluent English.

She is a member of the Milan Bar Association as a cassation lawyer.

She is a member of the Board of JCA International.

Giovanna Ghielmetti

She graduated in Law at the University of Milan in 1998.

During an initial cooperation with a law firm in London, she developed a strong familiarity with drafting international opinions and contracts, and in particular, agency, distribution and franchising agreements.

She then developed a widely varied experience in different fields of civil law, favouring and supporting the management and resolution of conflicts, mainly thanks to her high level of competency and strong aptitude for mediation.

She currently provides consultancy and professional activity both in the judicial and extrajudicial fields, to individuals, professionals and companies, assisting various entrepreneurial realities on an ongoing and loyal basis.

She offers advice on trust matters and was appointed by the Family Division of the Court of Milan between 2002 and 2016, as trustee of a trust fund established under English law for the regulation of family relationships.

A strong believer in the importance of training in this profession, she has collaborated as a teacher at Ius & Law Srl for over 15 years, a training centre which tutors students in passing the State bar exam.

She speaks fluent English and French.

She is a member of the Milan Bar Association as a cassation lawyer.

Gloria Morlini

She graduated in Law at Milan Bicocca University in 2011, where she collaborated as an expert in Civil Law and Succession Law.

After a two-year postgraduate, not only did she acquire theoretical and practical knowledge of the judicial system, she also gained a lot of relevant experience through her internship at the Court of Appeal of Milan. In 2013, she then obtained a diploma at the School of Specialization for the Legal Professions of the University of Milan. She was admitted to the Italian Bar in 2014.

In the course of her professional activity as a lawyer, she has acquired experience in civil law, with particular reference to the areas of contractual, non-contractual and professional liability, dealing with the defence of professionals and insurance companies, as well as insurance recourse actions, or relating to defects of the sold item, product damage and theft/fire/flooding.

She provides judicial and extrajudicial assistance to individuals and medium-sized companies, including in the area of credit recovery and contracts.

She has strong analytical skills and tackles the legal issues underlying each case in a precise and timely manner, using a pragmatic and decisive working method.

She has a mediation-oriented approach to client service and is committed to early conflict resolution as an alternative means of dispute resolution.

She is fluent in English.

She is a member of the Monza Bar Association.

Paola Perin

She graduated in Law at Milan University in 2000 with a paper on the 1996/675 privacy and internet law and received her specialization in internet law and copyright protection in cyberspace from the European School of Economics.

She later specialized in commercial contracting, including negotiaton and contracts related to copyright legislations. She has 20 years of experience in data protection, including all aspects related to privacy management in labor relations, compliance 2001/231 and corporate governance, spending also around 10 years in the oil & gas sector, as head of legal affairs of the Galsi project (Algeria-Italy gas pipeline via Sardinia), managing, among others, all contractual matters and tenders.

She assists both Italian and foreign clients. She has collaborated with leading international firms.

She is Supervisory Board (Organismo di Vigilanza) of several companies.

Between 2002 and 2005, she was a lecturer in postgraduate courses for faculty of Political Science at the State University on copyright and digitization of Public Administration.

She has published articles for U.S. and Italian journals regarding privacy in Europe, and more recently on artificial intelligence. She has co-authored several publications, including the handbook published by Top Legal, Human Resource Management: The Levers of Change.

She is fluent in English and French. She has a fair knowledge of German and Spanish.

She is a member of the Milan Bar Association.

Maryna Vahabava

Si è laureata in Giurisprudenza nel 2012 presso l’Università degli Studi di Teramo con il massimo dei voti in Diritto Privato Comparato e ha collaborato con la stessa cattedra in qualità di cultore della materia fino al conseguimento del dottorato di ricerca.

È abilitata alla professione forense dal 2016 e ha prestato attività di consulenza e assistenza legale giudiziale e stragiudiziale ad Avezzano (AQ) fino all’anno 2024 per poi trasferirsi a Milano. Si è occupata di tematiche giuridiche tradizionali nonché del diritto del commercio internazionale, maturando esperienza nell’ambito della contrattualistica internazionale, del diritto doganale, dei pagamenti transnazionali e del recupero dei crediti all’estero. Ha prestato consulenze in materia di import/export acquisendo anche la qualifica di D-T.E.M. presso l’Istituto per il Commercio Estero (ICE).

Ha il titolo di PhD conseguito nell’anno 2023 presso l’Università degli Studi di Teramo ed è stata assegnista di ricerca presso la Scuola Universitaria Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa dal 2023 al 2024, occupandosi del diritto di nuove tecnologie come blockchain e smart contract, NFT, metaverso, real estate virtuali, riuso dei dati ai fini scientifici. È autrice di alcune pubblicazioni scientifiche su tali temi.

È membro dell’Associazione Giovani Avvocati Milanesi nonché responsabile del Dipartimento “Diritto Internazionale e Umanitario” della Fondazione T. Bucciarelli dell’AIGA (associazione Italiana dei Giovani Avvocati).

È madrelingua del russo, scrive e parla anche in inglese.

È iscritta all’Ordine degli Avvocati di Avezzano (AQ).

Dr. Nicoletta Scornavacca

She graduated in Law at the University of Rome Tor Vergata in 2019.

She started her legal practice at a law firm in Milan, providing extrajudicial and judicial assistance in medical liability, road accidents, damages and civil law in general. In the same context, he also dealt with criminal law and juvenile criminal law issues.

Further professional experiences allowed her to delve into various areas, such as banking law, dealing with the management of complaints and the recovery of outstanding debts of the Italian branch of a leading foreign bank, corporate compliance and, marginally, immigration law.

She is currently gaining experience in professional, contractual and non-contractual liability matters, assisting both in and out of court, driven by a strong motivation to grow professionally and specialize in civil, commercial and insurance matters.

She is fluent in English and Spanish.

She qualified as a proxy lawyer at the Milan Bar Association in 2022.

Norma Giacomazzi

Administrative manager with more than 30 years of experience in various fields, including Legal, Corporate and assistance for Independent Professionals. She has developed solid skills in financial management, strategic planning and business process optimization. With a college degree, Norma has consistently dedicated herself to ensuring efficiency and regulatory compliance, contributing to the success of the organizations in which she has worked. Passionate about continuous improvement and innovation, and always ready to take on new challenges and opportunities.