JCA International

The Firm is the Italian member of JCA International, a network of European law firms.

Through this longstanding cooperation the Firm provides assistance to its clients also abroad, with particular reference to Europe and United States.

LEGALLYMinded - N.A.I.F.

The Law Firm is part of “Giuridicamente – N.A.I.F.”, a network of Italian lawyers.

The network offers on the web reflections and insights on legislative and jurisprudential innovations, on practices and on topics of interest to customers and to anyone approaching issues that require a legal solution.

The contributes mainly concern civil law, in particular civil liability, labor law, commercial law, leases, family issues, privacy and executions.

The lawyers have an excellent reputation in their respective court forum and have solid experiences in procedural law. Among the members of the network there also are an administrative lawyer and a privacy expert, who is also a supervisory body.